
What is Fun English? It's a blog where everyone can learn English in a fun way developed by Khotim Maslikah, an English teacher at MTsN 1 Kota Kediri. This blog is made to help students mastering English and teachers enriching teaching materials for their class. Here are some pictures showing that learning English is fun;

Storytelling (the legend of Pontianak by Silma)

Advertising Rhoma biscuits by Annisa
Advertising Good Day soft drink by Fida

English Club

MGMP discussion by English teachers preparing teaching materials

Those are only some examples what I did in my class. There are more activities that we can do to make our class fun and interesting. From all of those, I like most to teach Advertisement (K.D.3.10, 4.10) for SMP Chapter 10. See you on the next post. 👉👉


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